50 date night ideas
1. Go fantasy shopping – possibly go to a dealership and test drive the car of your dreams.
2. Go to the aquarium – the aquarium near us has adult night that they call wine and whales.
3. Have breakfast together – Have a late breakfast after the kids have gone to school.
4. Attend a concert together – This can either be a professional concert or your local band.
5. Go to a musical together – This can also be a professional musical or at a local high school or college.
6. Make a scavenger hunt for each other – use old photos of you and hide them around the house.
7. Check out your local real estate together and go to an open house – it can be especially fun if you visit houses out of your price range. Let your dreams run wild.
8. Attend a trivia night at your local restaurant – It can be fun to work as a team.
9. Go to a karaoke bar – sing a song together and look into each other’s eyes.
10. Find some online quizzes and discuss the results – a masculine/feminine quiz or your love language quiz might be fun.
11. Research hiking trails – It can be fun to exercise and talk while you explore.
12. Cook a meal together that you have never cooked before – It’s fun to critique and try new foods.
13. Rent a boat or kayak if you live near a body of water. – being on the water is amazing.
14. Go tubbing together – either snow or water tubbing.
15. Play mini golf together – try not to get to competitive.
16. Go to a candy store together – be a kid again and pick out some of your favorite things. Maybe even feed each other.
17. Go to a drive in – make sure you bring some comfy chairs and blankets so you can cuddle!
18. Atten a wine tasting event – just remember not to drink and drive.
19. Take a hot air balloon ride – enjoy floating on air!
20. Buy a sex position book – look at all the positions you want to try.
21. Research your family trees – It can be fun to see where you both came from.
22. Go out for ice cream – Skip dinner and go straight for dessert!
23. Take a dance class together – Learn all the best moves and try them out laying down as well!
24. Play pool together – grab some beer/drinks and just have fun even if you never played before.
25. Plan a weekend trip or longer together – it’s so much fun to plan amazing things for your future.
26. Go to a comedy show – let loose and laugh your ass off!
27. Get naked and face each other in bed and just look into each other’s eyes – This can be so powerful[ca1] to look into each other’s souls.
28. Make a charcuterie board together – search Pinterest for some great ideas.
29. Share something on your bucket list - and go do it!
30. Have coffee in bed – take turns getting the other coffee.
31. Volunteer at an animal shelter – who doesn’t want to play with puppies?
32. Get a couple’s massage – very romantic and relaxing.
33. Go on a double date – its so much fun when you can involve your friends!
34. Invite your friend over for a murder mystery dinner – you can dress up and have fun figuring out who did it!
35. Do a sex workshop together – you can do this online. Its super fun and you can purchase all kids of goodies for the bedroom!
36. Make a Tic Tok video together – Do a challenge or create your own challenge.
37. Buy a plastic shower curtain and place it on a cushy rug and take turn rubbing oil all over each other – it is fun and playful ad you won’t get your sheets dirty.
38. Go ax throwing together – they are gaining popularity all over the United States.
39. Have your pictures taken together – who doesn’t like making lasting memories.
40. Role play together – pretend you meet at a bar and see where it leads you.
41. Get an adult coloring book and color together – have fun and use lots of colors.
42. Go for a ride and pull over and make out in the backseat of the car – enjoy it and feel like a kid again.
43. Ride Go-karts either together or compete against each other – laugh and have fun.
44. Book a dinner cruise – sunset cruises a beautiful and romantic.
45. Go sky diving together – only if you are very adventurous!
46. Create a story together – You could start off by writing “It was a dimly lit room” and see where the story goes, taking turns to finish the story.
47. Have a bon fire – make sure you bring the S’mores!
48. Have a water gun fight – this is a great hot summer night activity.
49. Go to the driving range and hit some golf balls – See how far they go.
50. Play strip poker – fun and exciting!